
Founding Brothers The Revolutionary Generation Summary

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In Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph K. Ellis discusses a great deal of challenges that the revolutionary generation faced at home and abroad as well as how the relationship of the founding brothers shaped the new nation. Ellis discusses the compromise for the new location of the capital, the debate of slavery and why it was a big issue and lastly the friendships of Thomas Jefferson with George Washington and John Adams in three main chapters that are The Dinner, The Silence, and The Collaborators.

Chapter two, The Dinner, goes back to eighteenth century. This chapter starts off with Thomas Jefferson’s dinner held at his home in 1790 where Alexander Hamilton and James Madison were invited. The men compromise on Hamilton’s Assumption Plan. Throughout the chapter Ellis gives the background of the fights for the location of the nation’s capital and the way to resolve the national debt. When Hamilton told Jefferson that he wishes to resign from Secretary of Treasury because his financial plan “was trapped in a congressional gridlock” because of James Madison’s strong disapproval of it, Jefferson agreed to help him (Ellis, 48). The recovery of Public Credit assumed that the “federal government would take on all the accumulated debts of the states” (Ellis, 57). However, Madison disapproved of this plan because he worried that Hamilton valued speculators over the common man who had fought in the Revolution. Also, many states had already paid off their

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