
Four Parenting Styles

Decent Essays

In this paper I will analyze opinions for why parenting styles should be included in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders. Parenting styles can reflect positive or negative reactions in their child, ultimately impacting and shaping a child in their youth. I will be reflecting upon the four types of parenting styles and describing the effects they have on children. The four parenting styles are classified as Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive/ Indulgent and Neglectful. Three out of the four of these types of parenting styles can have a negative impact on a child’s social and emotional well being. Parenting styles have a direct impact on a child’s life, something in which a child has no control over. Certain parenting styles should be included as a mental disorder due …show more content…

Another type of parenting style is the Permissive style. This parent attempts to reflect a non-punitive, accepting manner towards the child’s impulses, desires and actions. The parent does consult with the child about household rules, responsibility and behavior. Although, this parent is not seen as one who shapes and alters future behaviors that could be undesirable. This parent allows the child to regulate his own activities, avoids being in control and does not follow up on behavioral issues (Baumrind, 1967). Permissive parents are often warm and responsive, but they are often found as too lenient and set little to no rules or regulations. Lastly, Baumrind observed authoritative parenting styles. This parenting style is one that is child centered, this parent sets rules for the child but encourages verbal gave and take. These parents share their reasoning behind their policy but can also listen and modify if they feel it’s appropriate. There is firm control but does not restrict the child, understanding that they have interests of their own. This parent does use reason and power to shape behavior to be better in the future by using the correct

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