
Fracking Research Paper

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Hydraulic Fracturing and its consequences Lewis Kelly
Hydraulic Fracturing or “Fracking” is something that has been prevalent in the news in recent times. It has revolutionised the energy industry in the US and now there are various companies competing as drilling companies suggest that trillions of cubic feet of shale gas may be recoverable from underneath parts of northern England. As many of our coal powered power stations are coming to the end of their lives, alternative sources of energy need to be found. However, there has been mass protest, due to the environmental and social impact of the fracking process.
First of all, what is fracking? Hydraulic fracturing is the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at high …show more content…

It is then mixed with between 1 and 8 million gallons of water and sand. This is called Fracking fluid. In the US right now there are around 500,000 active gas wells. A well can be fracked around 18 times, so altogether to run all the wells in the US, it would take 360 billion gallons of chemicals along with 72 trillion gallons of water. Of the fracking fluid used 50 -70% of it is left in the ground and the fluid is non bio degradable causing contamination to nearby groundwater and evaporating which releases volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere contaminating the air. One of the biggest arguments that people who are for fracking say that it is better as there are less Co2 emissions. Although this is true, during the fracturing process methane gas is used and if they don’t cap the wells properly, which although quite rare can happen, the methane gas can be released into the air causing multiple environmental hazards. So although they can argue that their Co2 emissions are lower, they use methane a gas that is much worse for the environment. The methane gas is also contaminating the water near the wells with water sources near the wells reportedly having 17 times higher methane concentrations than water sources not near the wells.
Another argument is that the companies promoting fracking pay little attention to the risks and focus more on the benefits when they discuss it. As said by Maurice …show more content…

This was the same for Veronica Kronvall who in 2007 bought her first home in North Texas. In the beginning she was happy, why wouldn’t she be she had just bought her first home but little did she know as her aunt was fixing up her kitchen in her favourite colour purple, and learning how to garden that 4 years later in 2011 that an energy company would buy the land right behind her home and begin drilling fracking wells. The company drilled 5 wells behind her home and 2 of them within 300 ft of her garden that she had put so much effort into. Miss Kronvall who was 52 at the time began experiencing nose bleeds, headaches and nausea, because of what was going on behind her home. Not only was it affecting her health but her life also. Her neighbours went into foreclosure and her house that she had bought only 4 year’s previous decreased in value by nearly a quarter. As said by Miss Kronvall, "It turned a peaceful little life into a bit of a nightmare."
Renewable energies may cost a little more than fracking but the difference is that they cause less damage to the environment and our health. Funnily enough renewable energies have stopped being researched in the past few years because of fracking.
Ultimately Hydraulic fracturing has no real advantage and why should we continue with something that has no benefit and causes so much damage,

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