
Framing Class, Vicarious Living, And Conspicuous Consumption

Decent Essays

In the excerpt Framing Class, Vicarious Living, and Conspicuous Consumption, Diana Kendall outlines the various media frames on social classes and analyzes how each frame contributes to the portrayal of each class. Kendall describes and explains eight different types of media frames and illustrates the impact on their cultural perceptions. She demonstrates America’s distorted view of inequality through the media frames’ construction of a “socially constructed reality” that is not an accurate reflection of America. She also argues that people still have the ability to develop other frames that better explain who we are and a more accurate reflection of our nation regarding class. Kendall is writing to an audience of high-educated, middle aged men and women, and it is assumed they want to read on social class injustice. This is made clear because of her academic profession, and the placement of the excerpt in a textbook.
Kendall is a Professor of Sociology at Baylor University and teaches a variation of courses covering Sociology of Medicine, Sociology of Law, Introduction to Sociology, and Sociological Theory. She has wrote numerous books on these topics and also has her Ph.D. She specializes in social differentiation and social inequality, which motivated her to write this argument and many other books. Kendall is deemed trustworthy, an ethical appeal, due to her credentials and twenty-five plus sources just in the excerpt alone. Kendall also uses many sources to establish

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