
300 Movie Essay

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Frank Miller’s 300 the movie is probably the few adaptations of comic books to films that has managed to stay true to the original source and the success the movie 300 made globally is a testament of such, however in every successful film there is always the downsides of it especially if the original source is a comic book and therefore there is the expectations between the comic reader audience and the cinema audience.

It is true that 300, though it has captured the concept of its graphic novel, and has additional scenes that we could say is for cinematic purpose and isn’t simply ‘a rehash ‘.To a certain degree it challenges the criticism made by “French Director Alain Resnais when he stated in the 1990, “Till today I haven’t seen a …show more content…

The first scene example that will discuss regarding with 1.) Deletion and Addition process And 2.) Characteristics of page layout and film screen, is the scene where the Persian main messenger talks with King Leonidas about what Persian King Xerxes acquires from the King of Sparta. A) B) C)
The Addition to this scene is the two characters of Queen Gorgo and Politician Theron (picture B and C). Queen Gorgo is present throughout the movie unlike in the graphic novel, she is present in one chapter; her addition to the movie is to establish the relationship between her and King Leonidas and is portrayed as a strong character. This is essential especially in film to give more active role to Queen Gorgo because had the director, Zack Snyder, decided to stay true to the graphic novel for Queen Gorgo, her role wouldn’t be clear or would have easily forgotten to the film audience. Also adding new characters, such as the corrupt Politician Theron, helps the narrative for film to be dynamic to engage the film audience.
This is where the following quote ‘a direct adaptation is seldom a good choice: some elements may work wonderfully in a comic, but cannot function in the context of a film. Usually a script writer for a movie has to leave out scenes, has to add others, or introduce new ones.’ (Pascal Lefevre, 2007, 4) becomes essential because for the film audience, specifically to those who are not comic readers, needs an establishment of the characters that they

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