
Frank Tannenbaum's Theory Of The Labeling Theory

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Once a person is labelled as a deviant, it is hard to remove that label. The Labeling Theory basically says that no behavior is deeply rooted on its own. It is society’s reaction to the behavior that makes the act deviant or not. Labeling is to give someone or something to a category and is usually given mistakenly. The people who usually doing the labeling have statues, numbers, power and authority. People with low status, power and authority are the ones that are being labeled. Dramatization of evil was the concept brought forward by Frank Tannenbaum, a big Labelling Theory theorist. He only presented his development of the Labeling Theory in reply of his work with juveniles partaking in street gang activities. He thought of the labelling theory as the process of “digging, tagging, identifying, segregating, describing, emphasizing, making conscious and self-conscious… (Hagan, 2017, p. 162). Tannenbaum believes that this theory can change a person’s identity from a doer of evil to an actual evil person evil person. BECKER- Edwin Lemert was another big theorist of the Labeling Theory. He had studied check forgers to bring him to his conclusion about the Labeling Theory. From his check forging study, Lemert concluded that the forger’s criminal career had only begun after they were labelled a criminal (Knutsson, 1978). Lemert made the distinction between primary and secondary deviance. Émile Durkheim said that deviance is normal and it is important to society. Durkheim had

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