
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley: An Analysis

Decent Essays

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley follows Victor Frankenstein as he retells his story of trying to break scientific boundaries by creating life unnaturally without women and the consequences of his endeavors through Robert Walton’s, an explorer, letters to his sister. In Frankenstein, science, the acquiring of knowledge, is a unnatural and destructive force destroying everything in its wake, when it is pursued without reserve; bestowing pain and extinguishing lives, loneliness and obsession with specific scientific ambition, and penetrating nature, emphasized through Walton’s and Victor’s distinctive pursuits in the name of science. The differences between controlled and uncontrolled science is shown through the novel’s description of Walton’s and …show more content…

“The author of Frankenstein made it clear that it was not natural science and technology as such that led Victor and the poor monster to their doom, but only their uncritical and fanatical pursuit,” (Jagger 274) so much so that even Frankenstein when he later reflects on the time spent creating the creature comes to this conclusion saying he himself “appeared rather one doomed by slavery to toil in the mines, or any other unwholesome trade than an artist occupied by his favorite employment.” (Shelley 35) Frankenstein comes to regret his unnatural quest for the secret to creation saying “If the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your affections, and to destroy your taste for those simple pleasures in which no alloy can possibly mix, then that study is certainly unlawful, that is to say, not befitting the human mind” so much so that if we observed control over our pursuits “Greece [would] not [have] been enslaved; Caesar would have spared his country; [..] and the empires of Mexico and Peru [would] not [have] been destroyed.” (Shelley 34). The single-minded strive for knowledge, science, is so destructive and unnaturally that it “dabble[s] in dirt” and “penetrates into the recesses of nature, and [show] how she works in her hiding places.” (Shelley

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