
Frankenstein Greed Quotes

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The monster that was created by Victor Frankenstein could have come to be as a result of many different things. Perhaps it is because he wants to one day revive his deceased mother. Or, maybe Victor hopes to better humanity by ending death as mankind knows it. While these factors could have possibly played a miniscule role in his building of the creature, there is one primary, underlying reason as to why Victor created such a hideous beast: greed. Victor materializes a wretched monstrosity all in the name of self-glory, and generally keeps his gaze astray from the betterment of humanity as a whole. Victor’s true motive, being of a self-fulfilling and selfish nature, becomes extraordinarily evident in a few main passages and excerpts. Victor first shows his colors when he refers to the creature as the, “most gratifying consummation of [his] toils”(38). This quote reveals a lot about Victor and just why he is doing this experiment. He views the creature solely as a project, not as a living, breathing solution to one of humanity’s greatest problems. If Victor hadn’t simply been in it for himself, …show more content…

Victor even goes on to say the following: “I became myself capable of bestowing animation on lifeless matter”(40). This quote by Victor is another example of his selfish reasoning for the project. By bragging about his new ability to create life, he is showing that he is in it for all the wrong reasons. If Victor hadn’t been primarily concerned about himself, he likely would’ve said he was then capable of saving the human race, rather than giving life to a lifeless creature. Based on how he bragged about himself, it is safe to assume that he likely had full intention of letting his new creation be known and gaining fame for his extraordinarily unique experiment. However, his creation turned out hideous and disturbed him deeply, so he became more embarrassed of this and never got this

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