
Frankenstein Reflection

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Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein has the linear presentation on a frame story while having multiple accounts of the same story. “ seating myself by the fire which my odious companion had lighted, he thus began his tale.” The “creature” begins his account of his life on chapter eleven and continues till chapter seventeen. These chapters are used to show how the monster interacted with humans and dealt with the emotions that were caused by the interactions that never went well for him. When Victor Frankenstein had the “monster’s” full tale he thus relayed it to Walton. Walton is the person who decided to write down the entire life story of Victor. Walton made it seem as if Victor was the narrator throughout the story, except when the creature was talking, right up to the point where Walton himself was introduced. “Frankenstein had discovered that I had made notes concerning his history: he asked to see them, and then he himself corrected and augmented them in many places; but principally in giving the life and spirit to the conversations he held with his enemy.” At this point we find that the entirety of what the readers had just read was written by Walton while Victor was on his deathbed. Shelley had to form the story with the proper emotions and details that no one would have guessed it wasn’t straight from Victor. Shelley uses many emotions throughout the story to make each scene feel the way the should properly feel. Victor Frankenstein had a life that was mostly consumed by

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