
Frankenstein : The Cunning Mind Behind Dr. Frankenstein

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Mary Shelley was an essayist, biographer, short story writer, and novelist. ("Mary Shelley - Biography.") She composed the widely known novel Frankenstein, after a restless night of her imagination plaguing her. Although, at first people only knew Mary for Frankenstein and her efforts to distribute her departed husband 's works. Soon during the 1970’s her other novels were given recognition. Mary Shelley has an extensive list of novels, other than Frankenstein, some of which are mildly popular, Valperga and Matilda for example. Although Frankenstein is what makes her a well-known author today, she was an accomplished writer before the publication of that book. For years, people have thought of Frankenstein as the monster, though the idea could be easily understood, Frankenstein is truly the doctor. The cunning mind behind Dr. Frankenstein and his gruesome monster is an author known by the name of Mary Shelley. These events marked the beginning of Frankenstein and with it a new era of writing. Mary Shelley faced many despair filled moments throughout her life that shaped the unique writing style she incorporated in her novel Frankenstein, events including, miscarriages, suicides, and affairs. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, later known as Mary Shelley, was born in Somers Town, London, England on August 30, 1797. ("Mary Shelley Biography.") Born to William Godwin, a journalist, philosopher, and novelist, and Mary Wollstonecraft, an educator, and feminist philosopher. Sadly, her

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