
Frankish Culture

Decent Essays

There were many topics that held my interest but many have already been fully fleshed out in academic literature. Something that has not been fully explored and still debated is the relationship of the settled Franks and the native people of the Levant. The crusades were nothing less than a full on invasion into a foreign and harsh landscape with minimal knowledge of the culture and landscapes they would have soon encounter. It was incredibly important to the survival of the initial crusaders and then the crusaders states that they had to adapt from their own European customs to those of the native Arab populations. The Crusaders became a ruling minority, but not without the Arabization of their own culture into something that became unique …show more content…

When researching a topic pertaining to culture it will be imperative to research from both sides of the culture. To dissuade against bias it was be equally important to include contemporary accounts from contemporary arabs and muslims. One important primary source is Travels by Ibn Jubayr’s who lived in the twelfth century. Ibn Jubayr was a geographer who travelled around the Levant while recording what he saw and experienced, including references to the assimilation of the franks into Muslim culture. For secondary sources I have requested a few books that relate to the cultures of the crusades and the interactions between them. One such book is The crusades, christianity and islam by Jonathan Riley-Smith is a short summary of the dynamic between the two cultures. I have also requested a thesis by a URI graduate student about the arabization of the knights templar. The thesis does not directly relate because it deals with the military order but it does explore the same underlying theme of the transition of europeans into something more

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