
Franklin D Roosevelt Biography

Decent Essays

Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt? Born in January 30,1882 in Hyde Park, New York, he was an only child from wealthy parents James and Sara Roosevelt. He graduated from Harvard University and attended Columbia University Law school. He married Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, his own distant cousin, in 1905. They had a daughter named Anna and five other boys who died during infancy.

After Law school, Roosevelt worked for several years as a clerk in a Wall Street law firm; then in 1910,he became interested in politics and won a seat in the State Senate as a Democrat. Then in 1913, during Woodrow Wilson presidency, he was named assistant secretary of the U.S. Navy. In 1921, at age 39, he was diagnosed with Poliomyelitis, which paralyzed his body from his waist down to his feet, that left him in a wheelchair. He was elected governor of New York in 1928 and then re-elected in 1930. He then went on to be elected president in 1932 and took oath into office …show more content…

After being inducted into office, he propose his idea of the “New Deal” to help America fight the Great Depression. The New Deal created programs like FDIC( Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) insurance for people’s bank accounts, SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) whose purpose was to regulate the stock market, WPA( Work Progress Administration) created jobs for writers and artists. Also, it created the social Security act, the most important act of the New Deal, it provided unemployment insurance, aid to the disabled, old age pensions, and insurance for families. He had Fireside chats, were he use the radio to speak to the American people and give them hope and confidence that they will endeavor the crisis. “This great nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and prosper...The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” were some of his wise and motivational words he said about the Great

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