
Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis Essay

Decent Essays

In “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, Gregor goes through a transformation in which he turns into a bug. Due to his metamorphosis, his role within the family disappears along with his social status. His family tries to deal with his transformation, but as time passes by, they can not stand the sight of him anymore. They realize that there is not a bit of humanity left in Gregor. As soon as they realizes that, they decide to get rid of him. Gregor’s family plays an important role in his death. But the Grete and Mr. Samsa is the main cause of Gregor’s death, due to their lose of faith in Gregor’s humanity. As time went by, the family can not stand the stress that is caused by Gregor’s transformation. Grete, who is the only one that believes …show more content…

Samsa treats Gregor the worst in “The Metamorphosis”, he still have some hope left that the Gregor that they once knew, will come back to them. But when Grete suggested that if Gregor were to stay with them longer, they will be ruined, he changed his mind. “‘She is right in a thousand ways,’ said the father to himself.” (84, Kafka) Though all the things that the Samsa family have tried to do for Gregor, trying to make his transformation more bearable, Gregor did not show any appreciation for them. And after the lodgers left due to Gregor, it made it even more clear that if Gregor were to stay longer, their lives will be ruined. “‘If he only understood us,’ repeated the father and by shutting his eyes he absorbed the sister’s conviction of the impossibility of this point, ‘then perhaps some compromise would be possible with him. But as it is…’” (86, Kafka) Mr. Samsa still thinks that the “creature” is still Gregor, and hopes that Gregor would leave on his own will. Little does he know, Gregor understood his statement, and slowly moves back to his bedroom. And upon realizing that his presence is a burden for his whole family, he kills himself. Grete and Mr. Samsa are the main culprits for Gregor’s death. On the other hand, Mrs. Samsa did not play a role in Gregor’s …show more content…

Samsa made their decision to get rid of Gregor once and for all, Mrs. Samsa did not have any say in that matter. From the beginning of the book, till the end, Mrs. Samsa kept her belief that the “creature” is still Gregor. “‘Let me go to Gregor. He’s my unlucky son! Don’t you understand that I have to go to him?’” (50, Kafka) In contrast to Grete and Mr. Samsa, who gave up on believing that their Gregor will come back, Mrs. Samsa still believes that one day, the Gregor they know will come back to her. She even went so far as to defend him when Mr. Samsa was on the verge of killing Gregor. But even though she still loves Gregor dearly, she still cannot stand the sight of Gregor, as she feels ill every time she sees

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