Brenton Gaumer Freak the Mighty book or movie? I would choose the movie because I like to watch movies and I can understand things in movies more than books. I think movies are better because you don’t have to read or hold anything while listen or watching the movie. I think there is more action going on during a movie versus the book. You don’t really need to picture anything in your head during a movie because it is right there compared to a book. I didn’t pick the book over the movie because I think books are boring. When you are watching the movie you don’t have to use your brain that much. When I’m watching a movie about any type of genre that has a book that goes with it, I usually ask questions to myself (in my head) about
Freak the mighty written by Rodman Philbrick is about the adventures of Kevin and Maxwell. The movie The Mighty with Kieran Culkin and Elden Henson portrays the book well, yet there are some differences. Like the rescuing of Maxwell, Maxwell gets the empty book different, and Kevin’s death.
Freak the Mighty the book was way more enjoyable than the movie. A similarity between the book and the movie is that Freak squirts Mr.Kane with “sulfuric acid”. In both the book and the movie Freak shows up at the apartment and shoots Kenny “Killer” Kane in the eyes because he his attacking Max. Because Freak shot Kenny he was caught by the police, and he was taken to jail. One of the many differences of the movie is that Freak dies at his house after Christmas. In the book Freak has to go to the hospital on his birthday because he has a seizure at his birthday party, but eventually he dies. In the movie Freak dies on Christmas in his sleep. In my opinion the book is better than the movie. The movie wasn’t able to squeeze as much of the fun
Although the movie The Mighty is based on the book Freak the Mighty, there are both similarities and differences between the two. First, the book and movie have the same way that Max gets kidnapped and freed after his father, Kenny Kane gets released early from prison. While Max is asleep in the “down under”, Max’s father sneaks into his room to capture Max, and then Kenny tries to convince Max that he didn’t kill his mother, but Max knows that that isn’t true. After being tied up and interrogated by Kenny, Freak comes in to save Max by using a squirt gun he got for Christmas. He tells Kenny that it is filled dangerous chemicals from a set that he got, but in reality, it is filled with household materials. Something that is different is the
This book Freak The Mighty reminds me of another book Bridge to Terabithia Because it has a don't judge a book by its cover thing to one character. That Character is Leslie she is a new kid how meets Jessie in a race she was the only girl in that race and beat all of the boys so he thought she was a person who brags all day however he meets her and she is very creative and they go on many adventures.
Freak the Mighty, the book, is very different than the movie, The Mighty, but I liked the book a lot more. The main similarity between the book and the movie is the characters and plot. All of the characters act the same in both the book and the movie, and the plot moves the characters along in the same. We see the same type of development in the book and movie as to the friendship of Max and Freak and how it builds. Next, I think that the biggest difference was that in the movie there was a lot of time spent with Max and Freak at school. They actually played a lot of basketball in the movie, whereas in the book the pages spent in school is limited. Another difference is that in the movie, Freak dies in his sleep, whereas in the movie, Freak
- This book is a really good book not a very good movie because they have so many differences if they would have not started in the middle of the book then it would have been really good and entertaining but it just doesn't give me the vision in my head of the whole book . A movie to me is where a book comes to life and, but it still was a good movie but could have been
The book Freak the Mighty is written by Rodman Philbrick. The main characters in this book are Freak and Max. The theme of this story is friendship. Freak and Max always were friends and supported each other even in hard times. The story takes place in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in modern day. I would recommend this book as it has a lot of action and suspense.
The book is better because it gives more excitement and emotion. The book just explains each of the events in great detail. I don’t know about other people, but for me the more information there is, the more I understand it. And in the movie of “The Outsiders”, it does not really say much about what’s going on. For instance, when Johnny dies, in the movie, Ponyboy goes home but it does not tell how long he had been out. In the book, Pony is walking home from the hospital and a man asked him if he wanted a ride (Hinton 151). Though others might think that the movie is better because it visualizes the events that are happening. But, even though it envisions what the book tells about does not mean that it is one hundred percent better.
The perception that the novel is usually better than the movie version in this case is true; I preferred reading the novel over watching the movie. The novel
However, if I catch the movie before the book comes out I am able to enjoy it more, after watching movie first; I like to read the book to compare the two.
The movie was entertaining but the but the book clearly the better of the two. Why do I like the book better? This is because the book had better details and it gives us a deeper understanding than the movie. My other reason for liking the book better is because it is explaining people's lives with real pictures and images of their past when the movie had to make people act as if the actors were the actual person,but they’re not. The book also has more information that the movie may have left out. The reason that the movie was made so the better of the two must be what had started it all.
In my opinion, the book was better because it made us go to a different world and thinking of the atmosphere and the suspension was real. The book really hooked me into the story unlike the movie giving away all the mystery and the suspense from us. Throughout the movie until the end of the movie everything was changed terrifically and the die hard fans of the books weren’t satisfied with how the movie was taken care of. Also, I liked the book
I choose this book because I had seen the movie and I love it so much that I had to get the book.Plus the guys were hot.
Books allow you to make up parts of the story(visuals and what people are like) while movies are more direct telling you what to see.
This way, a can connect to the characters a more. Second, the book has more detail, characters, and scenes because it doesn’t need to be over in a certain amount of time, unlike the movie. Third and final, I like to have my own imagination play a part in stories. I am free to imagine the looks of everything when I am reading this story. In the movie, a picture is put into your mind by someone else.