
Frederick Douglass Role Of Religion

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While reading the book titled Narrative of The Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave sparked many thoughts, and cause my brain to paint many different pictures of the world around me. This story was very complex in its approach of addressing the many issues surrounding slavery. Its main purpose was to spark interest in the growing antislavery movement, and possibly change the minds of current slavery supporters. However, there is a strong undertone of religion, and the role it plays in the furthering discrimination of the slaves.
According to Webster, Religion can be defined as an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods. Personally, I can relate to the role religion plays in the further mistreatment of the slaves, because religion still plays a crucial role in current bigotry. Moreover, the theme of religion and how it causes issues of discrimination as seen in Frederick Douglass’s Narrative of Life shows similarities with role religion currently plays in discrimination cases. Frederick Douglass was …show more content…

According to,, in Ocean Grove, New Jersey, January 13, 2012, A New Jersey judge ruled against a Christian retreat house that refused to allow a same- sex civil union ceremony to be conducted on its premises, ruling the Constitution allows “some intrusion into religious freedom to balance other societal goals.” This is a prime example of how religion can cause people to be excluded from what should be considered a joyous moment in society. In addition, Frederick Douglass was genius in the way he portrayed religion as an incentive for the slave owners to treat their slave worse. He regularly stated that when slave owners found Christ they became even cruller. He was the one that pointed out that Christ should bring people closer together, and not divides

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