
Free College Essays-Misogyny And Male Privilege

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Misogyny And Male Privilege The protagonist has always been the male; the world started with Adam and then came along Eve. The priority reminder dates back to the very existence of our race……. I was stubborn about my staunch denial of any effect that the patriarchal system could have on me. However, after a heated argument with my parents that was born out of my instant and apparently cold reaction to the idea of weddings, I decided to be reflective…… At the age of 5, I cooked the hot wheels cars in the pink frying pan of my kitchen set and at the age of 7 I acted like my mum while my brother acted like a racer in the driver’s seat and at 12, my mum warned me to not get into arguments with boys and at 16,I was told to let my guy friends sit in the front seat while my dad dropped us for school because we had grown big enough to treat my guy friends as men who could demand respect and recently I was coaxed for not being expressive about my emotions. How about absorbing the fact that I am strong and don’t need an audience for my tears? But at the end of my reflective monologue, I realized that I had always been on the receiving end of this societal stigma. The dark humor of the truth I believed in blew my mind away. …show more content…

Biology took the center stage during early stages of evolution; men had the physique to protect and women, the physique to give birth. Sounds like a good plan to divide jobs based on inherent strengths and hence make the best team/race to survive on the face of this planet. Now that the survival part was done, it was time for civilization to step in. This is the culprit phase that forever undermined

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