
Free Gilgamesh Essays: The Hall Of Valhalla

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The hall was filled with a rowdy crowd – comprised of heroes and warriors of the ages, both men and women from all walks of life who had proved their worth in battle and assured their place in Valhalla for all of eternity. Fires roared in their massive hearths, and sounds of laughter, fighting, feasting, and jeering raged on throughout the great hall. Time had no meaning here in Valhalla. No, time was merely an inherent obstacle, used to bring forth the strongest individuals from all of history, the present, and the future. Warriors did not arrive to Valhalla in a chronological fashion, but rather, would arrive into Valhalla based on how glorious their battles and deaths had been. Because of this, Valhalla had no common culture, no dominant race above the rest. One could speculate that there was no single thread to them all, but yet, there would be some underlying purpose for them, something that sparked in their eyes, something that told others that they did what needed to be done to end up in such a place as Valhalla. …show more content…

Gilgamesh took a jab at the Great Khan, bitterly throwing an insult which related to the Khan copulating with some type of animal or another. Gilgamesh was still taking the invasion of the middle-east a bit too personally, even though Gilgamesh himself was out of the picture several thousand years before Genghis was born. As Genghis turned to reply, he bumped straight into the table of the man in the collared shirt. Dropping his plate of food, it went on splattering all over the man’s works. The goblet clattered to the ground, and room ceased of all it’s conversations to watch what was about to happen. At his disbelief, Genghis fell to the ground after seeing who’s table he had collided into. Even Julius Caesar managed to shut his trap for a few seconds; and if anyone knew Caesar, they would know that the only thing the man loved more than the sound of his own voice was a good

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