
Free Speech, First Amendment Rights And ' Terroristic ' Messages ' Essay

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I 've selected the article because for several reasons: it 's importance in the context of this class, and the First Amendment rights of the defendants. Second, my final paper topic was “Free Speech, First Amendment Rights and 'Terroristic ' Messages”. I 've used the article in my paper and presentation, as well I 've particularly valued the case of Tarek Mehanna, 2012 while giving the examples for the Free speech rights and its protection in case of use and distribution of ' Terroristic ' Messages '. Finally, This topic is up to date and is one of the hottest topics on political, social and even financial stage not only withing the US but worldwide, due to the Islamic terrorism spread. This topic is crucial to understand the basis of terrorism and related possible charges, for someone who is not aware of “ ' Terroristic ' Messages ' charges. It may help to understand, that terroristic speech is not protected under the First Amendment, and in particular that to be considered as ' Terroristic ' Messages ', the message might not only be verbal, but symbolic, or as a support for terrorists ( financial, moral, distributed in any type of medias). One can be considered as a terrorist supporter, without even ever meeting terrorists and speaking with them. In the era of the social media, and Internet, it 's dangerous without being a supporter to consult the forbidden, and running by terrorist web- pages, because, one can be considered liable and accused. Consequently, the

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