
Free Speech Follies By Stanley Fish Essay

Decent Essays

Op-ed is short for opinion editorial. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary Op-ed pages are typically published by magazines and newspapers to express personal opinions of the writer. In the short essay “Free-Speech Follies” by Stanley Fish was written about “op-ed pages crying out first amendment when op-ed pages they published turns out to be the cause of outrage and controversy” (para.3). The short essay also implied that people are using freedom of speech in the wrong way to get away with saying anything that could offend or threaten some minority groups. Stanley Fish also introduces self-censorship and how we should be self-censored when it comes to opinion based pages that we are publishing out to the public. Op-ed letters should not be censored by editorial staff, but should be self-censored because people know what’s hurtful to others, no one should have the responsibility of limiting what people have to say, and it’ll help people grow character. Op-ed pages should be self-censored because it’s a responsibility that everyone should learn. Self-censorship is about thinking over what you write to make sure you do not …show more content…

We as people of the United States have to realize we are here together to help each other when stuff gets out of hand. We have to learn to voice our opinions in the best less hurtful way possible. There are some people out there that are always going to say stuff just to get under a person skin because they love to seek attention but when that happens we still have to be the better person and ignore those kind of people. When you show those types of people attention they are always going to argue back just because someone is feeding off of their opinion. At the end of the day if you fix how you voice your own opinion without starting interference then you have made an impact on Op-ed pages

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