
Free Speech : The Freedom Of The Media

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“Freedom of the press” refers to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which protects the right of the press from government censorship but is all too often oversimplified when being discussed in our modern democratic society, and is often referred as, ‘free speech.’ The meaning of ‘freedom of the press’ as I’ve understood is the right of the individual to think and speak without censorship by the government. To be clear, this right does not apply to private institutions, which are not bound by the first amendment but by their own policies and promises. What this means to me on a more personal level, is that individual citizens have the right to express their opinions no matter whether I agree or disagree, and that I as an individual have the same equal right to voice my opinion. Flaws in mainstream media such as lack of international coverage, click-bait journalism, fake news, scandals, a general distrust of mass media, and the developments in modern technology that have advanced communication around the world, has made media literacy more important than ever in understanding the complex issues that are embedded in our country and the world. The Media Literacy Project explains that media literacy skills help individuals to “...analyze, evaluate, and create better understanding the complex messages we receive from...all...forms of media.” Freedom of the press has allowed media literate individuals such as Dave Rubin from The Rubin Report, a

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