
Informative Essay: The First Amendment

Satisfactory Essays

The First Amendment President Ronald Reagan said “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it down to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” As citizens of America, it is our responsibility to keep the freedoms we have thriving in our everyday lives. Among these are the initial rights given to Americans in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Of these five freedoms, three are constant in our everyday lives. The freedom of religion, the freedom of press, and the freedom of speech. The freedom of religion has been essential since the day colonists began to flee from Great Britain to America. America was, and is, a place they could come and be free of persecution for what they believe. Unfortunately, over the course of history, …show more content…

We read novels, textbooks, road signs, and billboards every single day, but there is so much more to this freedom. It allows us to read and write novels that help us connect with our inner selves. It allows us to look at controversial topics through multiple views and choose which side to believe, rather than being told what to believe. The rights that this freedom gives us also come with responsibility. We must be willing to keep ourselves educated, otherwise, this freedom is wasted. The freedom of press is a one that all Americans should be grateful for. Free speech is by far the most commonly recognized freedom in our everyday lives. The freedom of speech allows us to voice our own opinions without the severe repercussions of some countries. It allows us to say what we really feel and helps us learn how to communicate in true and meaningful ways. Along with this freedom, we must remember that there are limits to this freedom. While being arrested “you have the right to remain silent” and anything you say can be used against you in court. This freedom is not one to be taken for

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