
Free Unstructured Play Analysis

Decent Essays

Is it Important for a child to play? The obvious answer would be yes but what constitutes play? Free unstructured play? Structured play? What differences do these types of play involve and which is better? The question why should my child play and why can’t they do it alone comes to mind to many parents often or is sometimes not even thought about in their busy lives to keep the child provided for. It is often at the back of our minds that children enjoy themselves while making sure they have everything needed to survive is right at the forefront.
Why is it important for a child to play? In one article, it is stated that free, unstructured play is important for a child’s brain development (Anonymous, 2016). It allows for the child to not only …show more content…

According to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education children at preschool level have difficulties focusing on things for more than an hour and should have tasks divided into 15-20 minute activities (Rock, 2017). This is true for most younger children as it will be easier for them to focus and gain more from each activity. They cannot perform either type of play alone as children should be supervised by an adult or reasonably aged older peer, or should be engaged with an adult or peer in the activity. Humans are social creatures by nature and it is even more true in younger children. Even side by side play is considered engaging with the child as even just sitting there with them is encouraging even if it is not immediately seen.
Regardless of how busy things become, it is important for a child to play. The benefits for a child are overwhelmingly positive both physically and mentally. Engage them in structured play as often as unstructured play. Sitting a child in front of the “tv babysitter” may seem convienent but is only hurting your child developmentally. It is important for a child to play whether it is free or unstructured and that they are engaged. Make time for them to play as children being able to play is a primary

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