
Free Will In Oedipus The King

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Oedipus is a play about a King who comes to power after killing his father whom he did not know and marrying his mother whom he also did not know. His parents learned of their fate from the Delphi before Oedipus was born then knowing of this so called horrible fate they tried to circumvent fate by leaving their newborn son out in the woods. However unknowing to them he lived. What role does fate play? The theme of fate plays out throughout the play for instants, Jocasta and Laius knew of the prophecies but still had their son then attempted to tempt fate by trying to kill their newborn son. Therefore by trying to tempt fate it only brings them their own doom upon them. Not known their son Oedipus has ferreted their attempts to change the …show more content…

Like his parents to avoid this he fled from his parents the ones he thought was his true parents only to kill his real father. It was fate that led Oedipus to kill his father at the crossroads that day “the one shouldering me aside the driver, I strike him in anger! I killed them all every mothers’ son”. Instead of just stepping aside and letting the caravan go by he instead he stayed in the road. Was it fate that day or just his stubbornness that caused that fatal incident? Oedipus then becomes King of Thebes after he solves the riddle from the Sphinx’s. He would later marry the king’s wife who he would learn later that it was his mother. Was it fate that brought him to marry the late king's wife or was it a decision he made he did not have to marry the kings, …show more content…

Creon returns with a message from the oracle “the plague will end when the murderer of Laius former king of Thebes is caught and expelled, the murder is within the city”. When Oedipus learned of this he vowed to find the killer and to free his city of the plague. Soon Oedipus will learn the truth about the killer of Laius the former king. Oedipus calls for Tiresias the blind prophet to find out what he knows about the murder but Tiresias refuses to tell King Oedipus what he knows in fearing what would happen to him if the truth were to be told! Oedipus pushed and demanded that Tiresias telling him what he knows of the murder. When Oedipus learned of the truth he curses the old man as going too far as to accuse him of the murder. Tiresias says to Oedipus “the murder of Laius will turn out to be both father and brother to his own children and the son of his own wife”. When Tiresias leaves Oedipus then turns his anger towards Creon where he threatens him with death or exile for conspiring with the prophet because no one else know of his

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