
Free Will Vs Evil

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Free will(Not actual title)

Every has the free will to do good also the free will to commit evil. Everyone has thoughts constantly flowing through their minds whether it's a good thought or a bad one that has the intent to harm someone. Most know what's right and will always keep bad thoughts suppressed but some people just cannot help themselves.
We all have the capacity to commit evil acts but it is the knowing of good from evil is what stops most from actually acting upon their thoughts. But their are many times the perspective of an evil act can change from person to person with different boundaries. Those who commit atrocities in society are looked down by others who want to make those who commit horrific look like monsters or just …show more content…

But there are way worse forms of evil things like torture keeping people alive just enough to feel the pain but not to where they will die so the pain is infinite this is one of the worst forms of evil. It is such a horrid thing to do it could be a person,or an animal it doesn't matter it's evil either way and this is when people feel very strongly about people who can do these things are nothing like them. There are many types of people or evil doers such as mob evil in this case there was a test in 1974”To test the power of conformity to lead us into evil, psychologist Stanley Milgram seated volunteers before a fake panel of electrical switches”Begley/8. They were connected to a volunteer who wanted to help learn the effects of electric shock on learning if the volunteer got an answer wrong the volunteer has to throw a more powerful switch and more than half of the volunteers administered the maximum 450 volt shock which was potentially fatal even as the fake victims would scream in mock agony. By this test it showed that humans are willing to commit an act under the influence of instruction or the ok from a higher up also not visibly seeing the person they are shocking”92 percent of the volunteers administered potentially lethal jolts”Begley/8. They simply followed orders so they don't feel responsible for what happens because the are only committing the act but they feel it's

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