
Freedom Of Speech : Limits On Our Rights Limit Freedom

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Limits on our rights limit freedom. Colin Kaepernick, a former 49ers quarterback, took a knee during the presentation of the protested during the U.S. national anthem as a way of social protest. Kaepernick and others following his suit have silently protested racial inequality and police brutality. Protesting the national anthem is an appropriate form of free speech. Due to exercising the First Amendment, nonviolent protesting, and by being national, influential football players, refusing to stand for the national anthem is ethical.
In midst of police brutality, specifically the shooting deaths of unarmed African-Americans, a call to justice was served in form of protesting the national anthem. The National Football League’s (NFL) players took a knee during the national anthem, refusing to stand. Silently protesting police brutality and racial inequality, they upheld their First Amendment right, “our brave soldiers… fought so people could have the right to make a choice of whether or not they wanted to stand” (Source A). Despite those who criticize this form of protest, among those President Donald Trump, refusing to stand during the national anthem is justified through one of the freedoms of the First Amendment--freedom of speech. Kneeling during the national anthem exerts the First Amendment, is validated by it and is a statement towards injustice and racial oppression in the United States. Although some say this protest disrespects our flag and nation, for example,

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