
Freedom, Security, Freedom Vs. Security?

Decent Essays

The statement: Freedom is more important than security has been a topic of debate for many decades now, perhaps we might have read about freedom or security, dreamt about freedom or security and felt happiness in the idea of freedom or security. Everyone has thought about freedom and security as a single right, where they are two separate aspects of human freedom. Furthermore, we have different types of freedom and security: economic freedom, financial freedom, freedom of trade, business security, economic security and cyber security to mention but a few. Freedom or security means many things to different people in my family freedom has different meanings. Freedom is a total right; we are born to become free. Freedom differs from one culture to another. From my background freedom is a natural right that human beings are born with. Everyone want to be free and independent from others. Freedom is also right to do what you want, eat what you want, learn what you want, lives where you want and perhaps chooses the religion in which you believe without harming or ignoring other people rights. When it comes to security we can say that security is an act of securing people from harm direct or indirect it is also a way of protect one’s property from theft, damage or misuses. …show more content…

In Nigeria it gives me joy to sit at home with my family to read and meditate and even sing praises. Additional thing we get to do with free liberty is, enjoying our holidays, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy our delicious dinner freely with security officials on our neck or open gift we received during Christmas or even celebrate the resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ on Easter

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