Another example of the French Revolution not embodying Enlightenment principles is by denying the citizens the right to overthrow the government with the Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror was a period from 1793-1794, and during that period of time, “the committee often had these “enemies” tried in the morning and guillotined in the afternoon...The “enemies of the Revolution”...were fellow radicals who challenged his (Robespierre) leadership...Thousands of unknown people also were sent to their deaths, often on the flimsiest of charges. For example, an 18-year-old youth was sentenced to die for cutting down a tree that had been planted as a symbol of liberty” (Modern World History textbook, pages 226-227). This horrendous act of mass murder during the French Revolution was caused …show more content…
The denial of the right to overthrow a corrupt government is shown once more by the Document known as the “Law of Suspects”. This document states that “All suspected persons within the territory of the Republic and still at liberty shall be placed into custody...The following are deemed suspected persons: 1st, those who, by their conduct, associations, talk, or writings have shown themselves to be enemies of liberty...4th, public officials suspended or dismissed from their positions by the National Convention or by its commissioners and not reinstated…” (Law of Suspects (Modified) Handout). This document written by Robespierre is quite plainly stated that anyone who even seems like they don’t agree with the Revolution will be placed into custody. When a citizen is not given permission to freely express what they feel, the citizen no longer has the ability to overthrow the government that suppresses that ability in the first
The French Revolution was based on an assortment of Enlightenment ideals. French philosophers, including Voltaire and Rousseau led the revolution leading up to the revolution, so to speak, coming up with progressive ideals as to government, social structure, and the nature of people. Indeed, the ideals which the revolution was fought in the name of progressed throughout France and, eventually, Europe. Though the revolution took wrong turns along the way, the ideals which it was based on never wavered. Even during the heart of his Reign of Terror, Robespierre spoke of a state where each citizen wants to do good by his country. This shows Robespierre with an unwavering commitment to the state, an ideal which came out of the Enlightenment. Though he may have carried out his beliefs in a gruesome and perhaps wrong way, his ideals were the same as the Enlightenment philosophers: make the state better for all to live in.
The French Revolution is often seen as a bloody mess. Just like most other revolutions, in the in exchanged an authoritarian regime for an authoritarian regime. The ideas of the revolution changed the human history around the world. The French Revolution started on July 14,1789 the revolution had many flaws but it the end it was still successful. Before the revolution third 3rd estate was burdened with taxes while the 1st and 2nd didn’t have to do anything.
Do know in the late 1700s if someone disobeyed you they head got chopped off.the french revolution began in 1789 as an attempt to form a new government in was a revolution that did not follow a simple path .one broadside from the time read ”unity ,indivisibility of republican liberty equality fraternity or death” .it is the last word of course that is troubling. The reign of terror was justified because the the threats to them, the method for punishment and the reasons behind the revolution The reign of terror was unjustified because of all the threats they received from inside and outside enemies. In document c it speaks of all the outside threats. ”in august 1792 an 80,000-man army marched into france.nearly half the force was prussian ,and the other half austria.austria and prussia were
Before the revolutions between 1750 and 1846 started occurring, most governments in Europe had important roles in controlling the economy. Then, the uprise of these revolutions introduced liberal and socialist ideals that challenged these traditions. Many of these ideals were inspired by the French Revolution and changes they fought for. The issues that arose was that conservatives wanted the government to continue regulating the economy through mercantilism, liberals believed the government shouldn't intervene at all with the economy at all, and socialists wanted the government to only organize the economy.
During the reign of King Louis XVI, France was going through severe economic crisis. France was in debt from war and helping America in the American Revolution, and poor harvests inflated the prices of bread, causing poor people to starve. Most importantly, the unfair tax system forced the lower class to pay all of the taxes. On June 20, 1789, powerful men from the third estate walked out of a meeting with the Estates General and vowed to create a new constitution (BE). Many people, like the nobility, Catholic Church, conservative, and foreign monarchs, disliked the reforms. To deal with the opposition, the French Revolution made a radical turn under the control of Maximillian Robespierre. Robespierre was the chief prosecutor who got Louis
The Democratic Republican known as, Thomas Jefferson believed the French were showing the same government ideas as the U.S. This created political parties because France was overthrowing their king like the U.S did. As said in the document, “ This ball of liberty I believe is most piously” (Thomas Jefferson, letter to Tench Coxe, 1795). This is applicable because after the french revolution broke out, the king wasn’t there to stop them so some began to have no religion, and began to be atheist. The citizens who were not wealthy, were taxed by the king because that gave him more money, more power.
The French Revolution was a series of struggles regarding economic and social issues under rule of Louis XVI in 18th century. As a result of the Revolution, there was a shift towards radical changes apropos to the desire for a new historical beginning in revolutionary France. The adoption of the new calendar was created to in hopes to introduce these new republican values, bring about new ideas of de-Christianization, and to celebrate a new marking in French history. This progressive era was a time of radical change in France, where the traditional values and practices were slowly being abolished, which caused many contrary reactions to break out within the people.
Robespierre, the most famous French Revolutionary, believes “We must smother the internal and external enemies of the Republic or perish…”(Document G). Began in 1789, the French Revolution began as an attempt to form a new government in France. This gruesome period was the Reign of Terror. This was where the people of France, which was consisted of peasants and workers and was led by Maximilien Robespierre, rallied for “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.” To put it differently, was the French Revolution necessary? In my opinion, the Reign of Terror in France was not justified based on the threats, methods, and ideals of the revolution.
In my view no one should be under one ruler because the one ruler only cares about himself. The British did not care about the colonist. The British wanted the colonist to pay for the debt they had after the French and Indian war. The only way to do that was by making Acts, taxes, so the colonist can pay for the debt the British were in.. The colonist had every right to push for revolution, even though they were subjects of the British crown. King George III did not do very well in protecting their interests. The colonist had every right to push for revolution especially, when the British had George Grenville, one of the ablest men in Great Britain, to make Acts, the Currency, Sugar, and Stamp Acts so the colonist could pay for them.
Introduction The intense scent of fear lingered in the air. The sharp edges of the terror that hung over Paris were always watching, always warning. The gray sky hovered over the crowd gathered around the towering fear as a green carriage entered the yellowed meadow, and stopped in a large, empty space surrounded by canons. After a few moments, several men stepped out of the coach.
During the Great Terror of the French Revolution, chaos erupted everywhere. King Louis XVI had been overthrown and was replaced with the National Convention, causing a large wave of mass paranoia between the people. Such paranoia included being against the National Convention and the Revolution as a whole and the consequence was getting guillotined. Many leaders that tried to step up and take charge were ultimately forced off of power and an example of this was Robespierre, where he was guillotined for being suspected as a rebel even though he was the one the executions. This mass paranoia eventually led to the Dechristianization of France, where Deism was picked up as Frances unofficial religion.
The French Revolution had several benefits that developed the world into a greater place. On the other hand, there were some down effects, such as: numberless of innocence deaths or the money that the France lost. There are some factors that lead to the French Revolution, but the factors are still debated among historians. Although there were several other factors that lead to the French Revolution, ultimately economic, social, and political reinforced the French Revolution the most.
How do we classify the French Revolution? The French Revolution inspired many different events in European history and became a turning point. There were many flaws within the French Revolution, although there were ideas that left a huge impact in the lives of many. In the end, the French Revolution ended up taking many lives, destroying and weakening a powerful country. The French Revolution was not revolutionary because the French people never rid the country of the unwanted ways of governing, the goals of life, of liberty, and of brotherhood were never achieved, and the country's government kept going back and forth between multiple types of government.
DBQ Practice The French Revolution was caused by many problems within France. During the 18th century, France participated in wars such as the American Revolution and the 7 years war. With France participating in those 2 wars, they became bankrupt. France had to somehow make money so they decided to start heavily taxing the 3rd estate and made them work harder for their own food and wealth.
In France in 1789, A revolution began. The people of France were fighting for their inalienable rights such as freedom from serfdom , equality between the classes. Within this chaos in France, Napoleon, a new thinker, came about and changed France in many ways. Napoleon's policies can be seen as preserving the legacy of the French Revolution by giving equality to the lower classes and creating a governmental system that helped to put the people in charge of their sovereignty, however it can be seen as hurting the legacy by protecting the ideas of absolutism.