
French Revolution DBQ

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Another example of the French Revolution not embodying Enlightenment principles is by denying the citizens the right to overthrow the government with the Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror was a period from 1793-1794, and during that period of time, “the committee often had these “enemies” tried in the morning and guillotined in the afternoon...The “enemies of the Revolution”...were fellow radicals who challenged his (Robespierre) leadership...Thousands of unknown people also were sent to their deaths, often on the flimsiest of charges. For example, an 18-year-old youth was sentenced to die for cutting down a tree that had been planted as a symbol of liberty” (Modern World History textbook, pages 226-227). This horrendous act of mass murder during the French Revolution was caused …show more content…

The denial of the right to overthrow a corrupt government is shown once more by the Document known as the “Law of Suspects”. This document states that “All suspected persons within the territory of the Republic and still at liberty shall be placed into custody...The following are deemed suspected persons: 1st, those who, by their conduct, associations, talk, or writings have shown themselves to be enemies of liberty...4th, public officials suspended or dismissed from their positions by the National Convention or by its commissioners and not reinstated…” (Law of Suspects (Modified) Handout). This document written by Robespierre is quite plainly stated that anyone who even seems like they don’t agree with the Revolution will be placed into custody. When a citizen is not given permission to freely express what they feel, the citizen no longer has the ability to overthrow the government that suppresses that ability in the first

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