
French Revolution Dbq Essay

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During the time of the French Revolution in 1789, there were many tensions across political, social, and economic classes. There were extreme divisions between the 3rd Estate and the 1st and 2nd Estate, leading to multiple removals and reinstatements of leaders. While many issues were involved with the French Revolution, there were three that were the most vital to it actually occurring. The three most critical causes of the French Revolution were the Enlightenment, the oppression of the Third Estate, and the general fiscal crisis of France.
The Enlightenment influence made a monumental impact on the French Revolution. For example, the impact the Enlightenment had on the American Revolution influenced the French Revolution. Considering the French Revolution occurred quickly after the American Revolution, and the French contributed greatly to the funds, the French people were very aware that they could attain freedom from their monarchs (Document 5). Along with this, Marquis de Lafayette partially wrote The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, and he was a military officer in the Revolutionary War. Natural rights was another major factor in terms of inspiring the French Revolution. List of cahiers shows the grievances against the King, and requesting that their are rights and equality …show more content…

The taxation of the poor, as opposed to the rich, added a lot to the debt of the French. The people were being taxed for everything, and therefore were unable to pay for food or almost anything (Document 1). The illogical taxation of the poorest Estate led to even more debt, as it was unlikely the people would be able to fully pay said taxes. The American Revolution also contributed greatly to the debt. As aforementioned, the French contributed greatly to the weaponry and the naval forces of the Americans. The war drained a lot of money from the French government, as the cost of ships and soldiers was

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