
French Revolution Research Paper

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The French Revolution was an influential period of social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799. Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in human history. The Revolution precipitated a series of European wars, forcing the United States to articulate a clear policy of neutrality in order to avoid being embroiled in these European conflicts. Americans hoped that the existing France-American alliance would be solidified by democratic reforms that would transform France into a republican ally against Britain. However, with revolutionary change also came political instability, violence, and calls for radical social change in France frightening many Americans. January 21, 1793 French …show more content…

Paris revolutionaries rose on August 10, 1792 believing that had been betrayed by the king and the aristocrats, during this time King Louis XVI barricaded his family in the royal temple. In the second phase of the war, the revolutionaries got the better of the enemy. Meanwhile, the National Convention was divided between the Girondins, who wanted to organize a bourgeois republic in France, and the Montagnards who with Robespierre, wanted to give the lower classes a greater share in political and economic power. January 21, 1793 King Louis XVI was executed for treason the Queen Marie-Antoinette was guillotined nine months later. Third phase was in spring of 1793, the Reign of Terror. Which lead to the arrest of 300,000, 17,000 were sentenced to death while many others died in prison or from illnesses, none were given a proper trial. The Fourth phase was in the beginning of spring 1794, the victory over Australia at Fleurus. Robespierre, “the Incorruptible,” was overthrown in the National Convention on July 27, 1794, and executed the following day. After his death social laws were no longer applied and efforts towards economic equality was abandoned. The National convention began to debate the thought of a new constitution, meanwhile a royalist “White Terror” broke out. A few days later the National Convention

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