
Friar Laurence In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In the play, Friar Laurence is the cause of Romeo and Juliet’s death, there are several significant details that help the reader find who kills the main two characters. First, the character Romeo falls in love with Juliet after he sees her at a party. Another important detail is they both get married the next day because Romeo proposed to her the night before. The third detail important to the play is Romeo kills Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin and gets banned. Another important detail is Paris now wants to marry Juliet. Also, significant is Friar Laurence helps Juliet fake her death so that she doesn’t have to marry Paris anymore. An important key element of the play is someone goes to tell Romeo that Juliet is dead, so now Romeo goes to Juliet and kills himself then Juliet kills herself because she feels like she should be with Romeo. Finally, the Shakespeare lets the reader know who killed both Romeo and Juliet. …show more content…

Friar Laurence thinks the violence would end between their two families if he marries them. In (Act 2, Scene 6) Friar Laurence states “So smile in the heavens upon this holy act… these violent delights have violent ends and their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as they kiss, consume. Now this evidence explains that as soon as Friar Laurence marries Romeo & Juliet and they kiss, he hopes the violence between their family comes to an end. So, when Romeo & Juliet is married Friar Laurence is going to think that he did very well on his job of marrying them by stopping the family violence. Two enemies getting married is not going to help bring the family together it’s just going to make it

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