
Friar Lawrence To Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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At the beginning of every Shakespearean play their is a prologue. The prologue basically tells the audience what is going to happen throughout the play. Within the prologue of Romeo and Juliet it states, “From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star crossed lovers take their life.”(prologue. 5-6) The story of Romeo and Juliet is quite unfortunate. With twists and turns of “death-marked love”(prologue. 9). With joy and loss. With events of love, fight, of death. All leading up to the doom of lovers Romeo and Juliet. In this story, I believe the lovers are not to blame for their death, but instead the blame lies in the hands of their loved ones. In the book Romeo and Juliet Friar Lawrence is to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet. First of all, his plans lead to their fate of death. Without his plans they would never had died. His plans caused a ruckus, and unfortunately failed; however, some people say that he actually …show more content…

Friar talked both lovers our of killing themselves when they found out about Romeo’s banishment. They both pulled swords on themselves and threatened to kill themselves. What would have happened if Friar wasn’t their? Would they have killed themselves earlier on? Another reason Friar is to blame is because he should have known the two teenagers wouldn’t be able to handle it. In the article What’s Wrong With the Teenage Mind?, Author Alison Gopnik says, “Adolescence aren’t reckless because they underestimate risks, but because they overestimate rewards-or, rather, find rewards more rewarding than adults do”(Gopnik). This quite frankly could mean that Friar Lawrence didn’t see the reward of his plans like the two lovers did. They took it to the extreme and felt the risk had a great reward. Lastly, Friar Lawrence encouraged

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