
Multitasking And Its Effect On Social Interaction

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In one study on social interactions, Veronica Galván and her partners examined how multiple types of conversations, especially ones on the cell phone, can affect a person’s attention to detail in his or her surroundings, as well as his or her memory of those details (1). The results of their experiment allowed them to conclude that people are more likely to focus on and remember a one-sided discussion than a two-sided one, suggesting that cell phone conversations are more distracting to bystanders than conversations between two or more people (Galván 6). In an experiment performed by Susan Kenyon and Glenn Lyons, they searched for the relationship between traveling and multitasking, with their main focus on multitasking that involves “information …show more content…

One of the main concepts that he uses to support this idea is the “friendly world syndrome,” which is essentially a phenomenon when people are unable to notice some of the more important problems in the world (149). The people might be unable to realize that a certain dilemma exists because the filter bubble can prevent them from seeing evidence of its existence, thereby stopping them from learning more about it. An example that Pariser provides is how Facebook is designed to favor posts that receive more likes (149-150). A post that addresses a serious issue in the world would be less likely to get attention from users if the post has a small number of likes, while a post with thousands of likes would be more likely to be shared across the world, regardless of its …show more content…

Both Walker’s study and Neider’s study emphasize the possible dangers of multitasking while walking, for both articles observe how people behave when they are crossing a road. As such, I define traveling as moving from one certain location to another, such as walking from one side of a street to the other side (Walker et al.). I also added the ability of multitasking to distract people into the definition because all four of the research articles focus on how multitasking can affect a person’s concentration to the people and events around him or her, whether that person gets distracted by talking on the phone (Neider et al.), listening to other discussions (Galván et al.), listening to music (Walker et al.), or any online activity that can be easily accessed on the phone or another portable device (Kenyon and

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