
From Failure To Promise-360 Degree Analysis

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From Failure to Promise - 360 Degrees Although each person is a unique individual, each person has a path to follow and each path holds the same fundamental principles at their core. Some paths are long and tiring, seeming hellish and fleeting to travel along, while other paths are easy and holds a clear ending result. For example, one man can be destined to inherit his father’s business while another man can be destined to revolutionize his country. While each route is different from each other, each paths holds the values of success and failure. At one point in each person’s life, they must defeat their own Goliath and become the king of their own destiny. In the novel From Failure to Promise -360 Degrees, Dr. Cleamon Moorer writes about his personal experience of “…traveling through the trees and the wilderness” (97) in order to reach his goals. In his novel, he describes his rocky hike, ridden with failure and doubt, to his ultimate success. In Moorer’s novel, he writes of his initial academic success in middle school turned sour during his first years of high school. He speaks of his …show more content…

This is not to say that each person should experience the world’s problem as deeply as their own but to say that worldly issues should have some weight upon them. While each person is an individual person with independent thoughts, every person is also a part of the “7 Spheres of Influence and Integration” and thus, are a key part of society. This novel instills the notions that each person not only has their own personal destiny but also a role in the destiny of the world. Each and every person should follow their own path but also be mindful and respectful of society and other people. People must not be selfish and be conscious of their surrounding world. Dr. Cleamon Moorer’s goal of creating the “7 Spheres of Influence and Integration” was to create mindful people and achieve his goal of influencing the

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