
Frumpy High School-Personal Narrative

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There were at least one-hundred students standing in front of me. We were waiting for the same thing, to be able to walk across that stage and call ourselves high school graduates. For four years, I had walked down the same dimly lit hallway with the thought of this moment in my head and now the day had finally arrived. It was June 4th and here I was standing in the gymnasium corridors of Los Angeles Community College ready to become my own person, not just some frumpy high schooler.
“Everyone, make sure your tassels are still attached to your caps, and file into a single order line!” said Ms. Lopez, my school’s event organizer.
I began to adjust my olive green cap and gown, making sure everything was perfectly positioned in place. My nerves …show more content…

Jorge’s father owns a furniture store and he constantly put the business first. I understood that Jorge was hurt due to the fact that he hoped for once, his father would put him first. I could not help but feel completely defeated. My heart had sunk just thinking about it.
“Okay everyone, this is it! Get in your positions and wait for your cue.” said Ms. Lopez
That moment was all I had been waiting for since 2011. All of a sudden I wished everything would just pause. I knew this moment would not be complete without Jorge. To me, it would be just another event where I was asked to sit with a group of people who did not even know my name.
Walking out into the giant stadium felt unreal. There were rows of chairs set up in the middle of it all. I approached my white foldout chair and took my seat. I had never felt so small. Once I was seated, I turned around and took a look at everyone sitting in the stands. Even though there were hundreds of people there, my eyes immediately went to my family. Everyone was there, my parents, sister and brother, even cousins that I had not talked to in years. They were all there for me on my day. So that is when I decided to be there for

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