
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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Plummeting the load of dishonesty has been the crucial goal of the cohort for ages to melt off the hassle of suspicion and increase the competency of human beings. The multitude of all ages has tried their best to wipe out deception and regain trust with the available technologies. Still the fundamental nature of humanity to deceive can’t be altered. Recently, fMRI imaging has come forth as a Protector of the mental capacity to assess deception and discriminate dishonesty from actuality. The future of the courtroom seems endangered with the over persuasiveness of this neuroscience data. How does fMRI work? Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI): is a technique that directly evaluates the blood flow to the brain, thereby providing information …show more content…

Huizenga, recently in Dr. Oz show on fMRI imaging of the brain stated that "It is the first unbiased, scientifically-backed way to differentiate a lie from truth telling," Huizenga said during the segment. "It is very robust scientifically — this is not some fly-by gimmick." creating a hope of revolution in the search for lie detection techniques. The reliability of Dr. Huizenga’s claim seems disagreeable as he is the investor in “No Lie MRI” company and his brother is the CEO of the enterprise who are marketing fMRI a credible tool to detect the lie. Another company named Cephos claims to be able to substitute the polygraph machine and its acknowledged deficiencies with a guaranteed methodology to lie detection. Costandi through his article provides us with another evidence where he establishes the differentiation between the commonly used Polygraph Test, using the physiological parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, and the skin conductance. With the newly found fMRI technique which evaluates the cognitive endpoints, using brain generated electric currents, facial microexpression analysis in context to blood oxygenation and the flow. Later on, Costandi starts providing the possible risks associated with the fMRI imaging. For that he provides the readers with two controversial statements on the opinions of different researchers who consider “memory” (Costandi 6) is the most significant factor associated with the studies. According to Elizabeth Loftus,”Memory is reconstructive” (Loftus in Costandi 6) which means our prejudices and biases shape our recollections. On the other hand, Jesse Rissman along with his colleagues proves that the mind is rigid when the confidence level of the person is stable as compared to people whose level of trust was not so high. Therefore nowhere the researchers have been able to convince the people worldwide debating on the reliability and effectiveness of the imaging in today’s world. However, time and again the judges

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