
Fundamental Freedoms: The Canadian Charter

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Did you know The Charter guarantees certain political rights to Canadian citizens and civil rights of everyone in Canada? The Charter Of Rights and Freedoms provides Canadians with laws to protect them and their rights. The Canadian charter guarantees many rights, including Mobility Rights, Equality Rights and Fundamental Rights. How do these rights protect and maintain a safe life for Canadians? The Charter gives Canadians many “Fundamental Freedoms”. Fundamental Freedoms are freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association. These laws have helped many Canadians throughout the time the Charter has been created. For example, the charter states that …show more content…

Mobility Rights state that you have the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada. If you wanted to move into a new home or apartment and are financially ok to do so, nobody can stop you. On December 7th, 1941, during World War II, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Canadian with Japanese ancestry suddenly found themselves treated with suspicion or even hatred even though most of them have been born and raised in Canada. In February 1942, Canada's government decided to move all people of Japanese origin away from the West Coast under the War Measures Act. More than 20,000 men, women and children were forced to leave their community. They could only bring what they could carry. They were loaded onto trains and moved inland mostly to remote communities in B.C's interior. They were not allowed to leave the camps. Canadian sold their homes, businesses and possessions. Families that had spent decades building a life in Canada suddenly had nothing. This was a very unfair thing that Europeans did and it infringed on the Japanese people's rights. This has caused many problems with the Europeans and Japanese. This is only one of many examples of Mobility Rights being infringed on. Today, in Jasper National Park, you are unable to live there unless you have a job there or are going to school. Many people are wanting to retire in Jasper National Park but are unable to because they will not be working. Nobody brings this case to court because they figure it will cost up to one million dollars too finish the trial and don't think it is worth it. Many Canadians are having issues with this new law and are hoping that resolves within the next few years and that someone will challenge it. Mobility rights are finally getting better and will hopefully keep

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