
Funerals In Ancient Roman Funerals

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During all parts of the existence of Rome, burials and funerals were extremely important, even more so than weddings. The Romans believed that without a proper burial, a spirit would cause unhappiness for those living. While rites varied throughout different periods, traditions remained vastly, and always had the same importance. Funeral ceremonies were extremely elaborate, especially for upper class citizens. Funerals had five parts in Ancient Rome; the procession, the cremation and burial, the eulogy, the feast, and the commemoration. Ceremonies began closely after death, as soon as all necessary preparations were made. At the home, the deceased’s body would be washed with warm water and then anointed. If the deceased person had held office, a wax impression of his features would be taken. Next, the body would be dressed in in a toga with all the regalia of the rank he was allowed to wear. Incense would be burned and pine woul dbe places outside the door to signify death in the house. In early and late times, when burial was more popular than cremation, a coing would be placed in between the teeth of the deceased, as payment for Charon, the ferryman of the underworld. These rites were simplified in poorer funerals, as well as done by a family member. However, for the rich, an undertaker, or designator, would do so().
The funeral procession took up the bulk of the ceremony, and stretched from the deceased’s home all the way to their grave. Graves were not allowed to be

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