
Gaining College Degree

Decent Essays

For a successful life and to achieve your dreams, your going to need money. But besides, money, your going to need knowledge, confidence, skills, and opportunities to do so. So now the question is where you may obtain these benefits. And the answer to the question is short and simple, by going to college and gaining education. College Can make you become a better person, and you can grow in life. And by gaining education, you can understand and grasp the advanced things and skills that we have learned and apply it to life. There are many factors that will affect a person’s life. The most important factor is whether you have gone to college and obtain a degree. There are many reasons why obtaining a college degree has a strong impact on one’s …show more content…

College graduates with at least a bachelor’s degree will earn up to 56% more per year, compared to those with just a high school diploma. Also, a person with just a high school diploma expect to receive 1.2 million over a lifetime. While someone with a bachelors degree will earn 2.3 million over a lifetime. Master degree holder will earn 2.7 million and a doctor degree or professional will earn over 3.3 million over a lifetime.By going to college, many companies will offer internship programs to college students. Those programs can lead to full-time employment right after you graduate.By going to college, and gaining a degree, you will have lower unemployment and poverty rates compared to those who don’t have a degree.Also times have changed, nowadays a college degree is required for many entry-level …show more content…

However. College doesn’t have to be expensive. In 2014- 15 about two-thirds of full-time students paid for college with the help of financial aid. Approximately 57 percent of financial aid dollars were awarded to undergraduates in the form of grants, and 34 percent to the forms of federal loans.
Also, many students like myself go to a community college, as a stepping stone for a four-year college. This saves money and cut the tuition in half.
Also if you’re worried about stress and how college can be time-consuming Don’t. Happiness trumps price. Dealing with stress and anxiety from college could be a good thing, then what it displays. It makes you see the world better and you can get to know yourself and others, in a way you never saw it before
And last yes College may not guarantee a job in your field, or a job at all, but the chances of securing a job is much better compared to not having a degree or having any skills at all.

With all being, going to college and gaining an education can open many doors in a persons life. Either financially, academically, or socially.
A favorite quote of mine is Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself- John

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