
Galatians Argument Paper

Decent Essays

To understand the meaning of Galatians 5: 16-18 we must understand the purpose of the letter. Galatians is an occasional letter (Duvall, Hayes 2008, 100) meant to address a congregation who is faced with the dilemma of Judaizers. The Judaizers were teaching that in order for a Gentile to be truly saved he must convert to Judaism; he must be circumcised. They preached salvation by works of the flesh, putting the Gentiles under the law (5: 9-15). But the flesh; circumcision or no circumcision, following the Judaic laws or not following the Judaic laws, makes no difference in salvation. Righteousness is found through faith and shown in love (5:6). Insistence that Gentiles convert to Judaism “distorts salvation by grace alone” and causes dissension in the body of Christ (Wilson 2013, Gal. 5:15). Paul argues that Christians should rely on the Holy Spirit for the power to overcome the flesh and walk in love and faith (5:16– 18). There is clearly a distinction between the fruit of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit (5:19-26). Paul …show more content…

It may have been a need for identity. They were no longer pagan, but not really Jews (Martin et. al. 1997, 256). Their need, their longing, their desire for an outward acceptance caused an inward decline. The great theological truth contained in Galatians 5:16-18 is that even though there is a war between flesh and Spirit (5:17) walking in the path directed by the Holy Spirit is the only thing that conquers the desires of the flesh and produces Godly fruit (5:16). The same is true today and throughout the generations of man. Though many people seek assurance of salvation by following the do not touch, do not eat, do not wear, do not say laws, it is belief in the salvation through Christ that enables the Holy Spirit to lead us to right standing with God. No more and no less. (5:18, 6:12, Hebrews 10:14-16, Jn. 14:26). Anything else is detrimental to the Christian and to the body of Christ

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