
Galaxy Toys Chapter Summaries

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Galaxy Toys, the largest privately owned toy company in the USA, has been under the same management for over thirty years, and has undergone notable changes in management style in that time. Bart Aldrin has brought with him techniques and a management style that have not only improved the methodology of toy assembly, but also optimized shipping processes for the company during his time as a manager. In the late 1980’s and early 90’s, there was a major shift in management that inspired Aldrin and other managers to reconsider their management approach. When American run companies began to suffer in the late 1980’s, Aldrin implemented the principles of Theory Z, and revitalized the company from within. Upon Aldrin’s retirement, Joyce Barnhart will replace him and lead the company towards the future utilizing 21st century management principles.

Part One

Up until the late 1980’s and early 90’s, management at Galaxy Toys focused heavily on task efficiency implemented training methods designed to ensure employees were highly specialized, and highly efficient, at their tasks. Since then, advancements in technology, threats by workers to unionize, a greater demand for employee management participation, work-life balance and a general shift in employee workplace values, as well as globalization have created a need for management to reevaluate their style yet again. In 1981, William Ouchi’s book, “Theory Z: How American Business Can Meet the Japanese Challenge” hit the

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