Gall stumbled forward, swept up his Mordblade and raced to intercept the Shatain. His heartbeat throbbed in his ears, nearly drowning out the shrill and agonized screams of the Mordblade’s Daemon in his mind. But he ignored this, the growing tingling in his sword arm, and a trail of sparks dripping from his weapon. At the last moment, Drakar spun to meet his attack. Their blades came crashing together in a shower of sparks. It was then Gall noticed his Mordblade pulsing with white light, and that the sword’s Daemon had gone curiously silent. Before he could make sense of the change, Drakar’s blade snapped, the usually glimmering edge disappearing in an instant. Gall’s blade slashed into the Shatain, knocking him sideways into a column. Gall …show more content…
A brief glimmer of hope raced his mind. Wait! His eyes widened. “The Grail! Vig, get the chalice.” Vig spotted the cup lying on the floor, next to Drakar’s remains. He dashed over, grabbed it, and then returned quickly. Gall filled the Grail with water and put the chalice to Larah’s bluish lips, but she remained unresponsive. Britta took Larah’s wrist but could feel no heartbeat. “It is too late.” “No,” Gall replied. “She is not yet beyond the reach of the Grail.” He forced her mouth open and poured the contents of the chalice into it. Keeping his hand over her lips, he raised her up. For a moment, she remained still, and corpse-like, but then color shot back into her face. Her eyes shot open, and she coughed loudly, a stream of blood and water dribbling down her chin. She looked about weakly, her eyes racing from Britta to Vig, and then Gall. In a tremulous voice, she asked, “Where am I?” “We are still in the Gate Room,” he answered. Horn calls drifted in from the foyer entrance. Gall pointed toward the doorway. “Vig, find out what is happening in the courtyard.” Vig disappeared into the foyer but quickly returned. “Troops from the garrison approach. We are in grave
In The Cold War: A New History, John L. Gaddis creates a thorough timeline of the events stretching from the end of World War II through the fall of the USSR which helps newer generations understand the gravity of the situation. As Michael Bechloss said “By 2006, Americans too young to have lived through the era of duck-and-cover drills require a scholar of extraordinary gifts to tell why nine presidents deployed our national treasure against an empire that broke apart so clumsily in the end.” This quote does an excellent job explaining how my generation and the ones following will have a limited understanding of the events surrounding the cold war and their role in shaping the world we know today. As Gaddis himself said in a NPR interview;
return. Therefore, she mentioned a girdle to Gawain it protect the person who wears it death. So
Mrs. Prattchet reaches for the wrong jar. The joy leaves as soon as it arrived. Greif fills our heads. But there is still hope.
He ducked as I slid my sword across the air. The magnificent beast I was welding was begging to slice into someone and drink their iron rich blood. The Willowan man is twice the size of me and much stronger, but I am much more fast and nimble. He attacks me, aiming for me left side. I step aside and slash my sword through his last rib. His face turns blank and he falls to his knees. As I walk away I hear his blood gurgle in his mouth. He was wrong to think that he could possibly beat me.
From the nearby foliage, Ulrich heard a whisper of foreign words. The last time he heard a strange language, he’d lost his arm moments later. Terrified, he drew his sword, an undercurrent of fear seizing him; he’d never fought one-armed before.
In the year 3000 A.D there is no civilization. Earth has been decimated by a terrible nuclear war and man is extinct. In their last months on earth, humankind built thousands of fallout shelters. In these shelters were cryo stasis tubes that would keep the residents asleep until the day came when earth could be inhabited.
The tank that caused all of this was right there beside the cave. The two worlds of life and death bounded by all laws of the universe, Mark felt the intense pain in his lungs for a fraction of a second and a near an eternity, that moment was just a purgatory, a stop of replete with utter terror and aloneness, headed in one direction for non-existence.
Time needed to slow down. Porter needed to process all the stimuli bombarding him and having Tiger criticize him at every turn was not helping. Their voice was starting to piss him off. Hot passion bubbled up in him, burning to get into a petty fight in the middle of a situation that couldn’t get any worse. It could, Porter knew, but he would die before that happened.
"Breach the walls!" yelled and unknow soldier as yet another volley of poisened orkish arrows descended on the ranks of the holy vanguard lead by the dreadknight Lustrous Von Clantior, the ranks of the vangurad were men of tested skill and temperement and luckily so as theirs was a nigh on impossible
Aranloth turned away. “Let me think. But first, before I decide anything, the king must learn of this. And in the choices that follow he also will have a hand.”
The sound of blades colliding echoes through the dark caverns. Monstrous shrieks of pain and deafening battle cries all combine to create the sound of the battle. A lone adventurer stands stalwart in the face of evil, parrying blows and returning with lightning speed to end even the stoutest of enemies. He continues to fight even though he is clearly outnumbered. His valiant hold of his position forges fear in the very souls of some of his opponents, but not all are so easily disheartened. The forces of darkness continued to rise against the single man, and he fought as hard as he could and it seemed he could go on forever. Suddenly he is struck from behind, and while not falling there, he is severely weakened. Severing
The sword flies through the air and Sigorn nearly stumbles to the ground from the force of the swing. Warryn, done screaming for the time being, tries his hardest to get back to his sword. Sigorn mumbles and swears under his breath as he approaches and he swings his sword downward. Warryn, having dropped his shield and now wielding his sword with only his left hand, deflects the first blow, and the second blow, the third one he ducks out of the way and strikes at the Karstarks leg. This time his mark is true. Slicing, he cuts at the open spot in the armor, and the Karstark howls in pain as he stumbles
The silence ate at his sanity as he sat in the darkest part of the house, alone; waiting, hoping, praying for the danger to pass. Henry didn't dare move. He remained still, sitting there for hours upon hours waiting for the all clear. It had been so painfully long, he wasn't sure if it was ever coming. For all he knew, this could be the real deal. The nuclear weapons could be soaring through the air right at this very second, and in minutes he could be dead from impact, and even if he managed to survive the blast, the radiation from the bomb would certainly kill him. And worst of all, he had no idea. But he wasn’t scared. No. For fifteen years of his life, he’d gone through these drills, and never once was a bomb launched. But this time, something
The sound went on and on and on, until it seemed it would never die. People were running and others were screaming commands. I watched patiently. Men were donning their armour, buckling sword belts, reaching for swords and other weapons. “Blood, blood, and more blood. It’s the way of life now, is it not?” Gregor asked. I didn’t have an answer for it. Instead I gripped my own blade. The grip was made out of a deep red wood. The leather wrapped around it fitted into the grooves of the handle. The cross guard was made out of near solid gold. In the center of the cross guard was shaped to be the head of a cross and sprouting out on either side of it was two leaves. The blade was made out of stygian steel. The blade was incredibly light and was
It turned to scrutinize her, "What do you know of honor little thief? The last we met you had stolen off with a sack of emeralds! Mine is intact, I am merely preparing a well deserved meal."