
Essay Gangs in America

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Gangs in America 06-06-09 Gangs in America It is estimated that there are roughly 24,000 gangs in America today. There are 750,000 stated gang members. Gangs are taking over our youth and our county. In 1996 50% of all gang members were juveniles. Twelve years later that percentage has not changed. Gang violence is on the rise and it has to stop. We have to take back our streets and our children. The history of gangs goes back to biblical times. Gangs have always caused social issue and unlawfulness. The history of gangs in America leads back to the colonization of this country. Immigrants came over here from Europe with little or no money. The money that they didhave ran out quickly. Poverty caused and fueled illnessand …show more content…

The new member is often given several guns and is driven to a location where other gang member might be. The new member then shoots at the others hoping to kill them while the car is still moving and then speeds away. This is known as a drive by. With the new gang member now being part of a felony and facing major prison time if caught the new member of the gang should now be fully loyal to their new gang. (Gangs in Arizona, 2006) Gang violence and nuisancehas got to be addressed. Many different cities are trying new tactics to deal with their own gang problems. The most recent tactic that major cities are using is to cite gang members with civil infractions for anything and everything that can be used against them. This new method, which started in Fort Worth Texas and San Francisco California, has both its upsides and itsdownsides. To go after known gang members the cities make the members abide by strict rules that include limiting their group size to no more than two, restricting the colors of clothing that they wear, and giving them a strict curfew. Gang members that do not abide these rules are arrested and or ticketed. This new method of over policinggang members has cut down on gang activity in these cities but has only caused gang members to move to the cities suburbs. There are also complaints that this new method is a form of harassment on America’s minority youth. Civil liberty violations have also been

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