
Gas Flaring And Its Effects On The World

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OVERVIEW/BACKGROUND Gas flaring is the deliberate and controlled burning of natural gas which is produced from drilling and production operations. According to the World Bank, the countries which flare the most natural gas in descending order include; Russia, Nigeria, Iran, Iraq and most recently the U.S. jumped to number 5 on the list due to the recent oil boom in the Bakken shale in North Dakota and production operations in Wyoming. The rest of the countries that flare gas at an alarming rate include, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Angola, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Furthermore, according to the World Bank, oil production plants around the globe burn approximately 140 billion m3 (~4.9 trillion ft3) on an annual basis. This permits more than 300 million tons of CO2 gas to be emitted into the atmosphere. These numbers bring to light the economic and environmental impacts that flaring has on the world today. From an economic perspective, gas flaring is viewed by many as a wasteful form of resource management, as calculations done by the World Bank show that the yearly amount of gas flared makes up about three-quarters of Russia’s gas exports. Putting that into perspective, it is enough gas to feed a third of the EU’s natural gas consumption needs for a year (Ebrahim, et. al, 2013). On an environmental level, gas flaring contributes to the rise of global warming which impacts climate change due to the emissions of CO2, black carbon and other related pollutants. This dire phenomenon

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