
Gasland Essay

Decent Essays

Hydraulic fracturing, also known as "Fracking", is drilling into the ground for gas. This process injects over 500 chemicals into the ground which sometimes reaches peoples water supply. When the water becomes polluted it can harm not only humans, but animals. In Gasland ,Josh Fox talks to people about their problems with Fracking and goes in depth about the damage it is doing.
One thing that was not absent in gasland was emotion. To begin with, there was a couple, John and Kathy Fenton, who have 24 gas wells surrounding their home. John talked about how his wife and himself had a spot they would always go to when they were in need of privacy. John said," We came here because this was the only place where nobody knew where we were." …show more content…

If the statistics, or the people in tears did not convince you then this absolutely will. Mike Markham, Marsha Mendenhall, and Amee Ellsworth are some of the families who could light their water on fire. Yes, in gasland, these three people along with a few others could literally stick a lighter under their faucet while it was running and watch it burst into flames. What else does one need to see the immense contamination being caused by fracking. The Ellsworth family were interviewed and they told a story about a time where the company which was drilling close to their home told them nothing was wrong with their water. They said, " I told that man, nothing is wrong with my water? Wait here and ill get you some." I came back and he wouldn’t drink it."
Gasland did a great job of convincing people. According to "screenings of Gasland in different locations had an effect on the mobilization of local campaigns against the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing; in turn, those local mobilizations made local policymakers significantly more likely to take action to ban the practice of fracking." Gasland is a documentary everyone should watch due to the lack of knowledge people have about fracking. Many people are not educated on where the gas they use comes from or how it is produced which is exactly why people should watch this

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