
Gate Keepers Research Paper

Decent Essays

Last year there was a huge debacle with many African American actors protesting the Oscars. The issue was a lack of diversity involving the nominations for awards. Only white actors and actresses were nominated for the top four awards, sadly for the second year in a row. Because of this, the hashtag #oscarssowhite gained popularity, and was seen all across social media. Granted, the Oscars is movie nominations, but TV and movies play hand and hand with being film entertainment. Also, there were plenty of television actors that had their fair share to say about the Oscars being too white and it just makes you think is it just the Oscars or is television is too white? In my opinion, diversity is not shown widely enough on screen, and the main …show more content…

Spike Lee also boycotted, and was quoted on the social media platform, Instagram, saying “As I See It, The Academy Awards Is Not Where The "Real" Battle Is. It's In The Executive Office Of The Hollywood Studios And TV And Cable Networks. This Is Where The Gate Keepers Decide What Gets Made And What Gets Jettisoned To "Turnaround" Or Scrap Heap. This Is What's Important. The Gate Keepers. Those With "The Green Light" Vote. As The Great Actor Leslie Odom Jr. Sings And Dances In The Game Changing Broadway Musical HAMILTON, "I WANNA BE IN THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS". People, The Truth Is We Ain't In Those Rooms And Until Minorities Are, The Oscar Nominees Will Remain Lilly White.” Danny DaVito even spoke out against the unfair nominations at the Oscars. He told the Associated Press “It's unfortunate that the entire country is a racist country, this is one example of the fact that even though some people have given great performances in movies, they weren't even thought about" (Boon, A Comprehensive List of Celebrities Who Have Spoken Out About the Lack of Diversity at the Oscars). Many more actors of every race have spoke out against the lack of diversity in Hollywood. This problem has been addressed many times over the years, yet it still seems to

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