
Analysis Of The Movie ' Breakfast At Tiffany 's '

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“Oscars So White” a phrase that began trending on social media sites after the 2016 Academy Awards announce their nominees for Best Actor and Best Actress, it was predominately white for a second year in a row. The movie industry is no stranger to controversy and since its inception it’s constantly been guilty of underrepresenting ethnic people. It’s evident that film is a type of mass media that has a certifiable amount of power to influence audience’s views, yet this platform constantly disregards the need for diversity in favor of stereotypes. Movies such as Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961), Scarface (1983), and Pan (2015) are all guilty of this. The depiction of non-American characters in Hollywood movies are constructed around racial …show more content…

For instance, in one his scenes Mr. Yunioshi is awoken by the ringing of a doorbell, he immediately stands up from his mattress on the floor only to hit his head on a lantern and stumble across his room looking for his glasses; once he regains his balance, he opens the front door and screams at Holly Golighty (the main character portrayed by Audrey Hepburn) in broken English (that was produced due to his heavy “Japanese” accent). At face value this particular scene was supposed to add to the comedic element of the film; however, if we take a closer look, it is evident that racial stereotypes are embedded within the physical and behavioral aspects of the character as well as the environment. In the aforementioned scene, Mr. Yunioshi’s apartment is exceedingly stereotyped, because his mattress on the floor signifies that (in terms of socio-economic class) he’s poor, while the decorations in his apartment, such as the lanterns and various plants, are used to overly emphasize that he is Japanese. Of course, his physical features effect his behavior because of his poor sight and slurred speech, he’s depicted as a clumsy and grumpy person. Furthermore, I acknowledge that it was normal to use racially-charged humor in this era, but it’s movies like these that utilize comedy as a form of justifying the use of whitewashing and racial stereotyping; therefore, making it difficult to overcome stereotypes. Scarface is another classic film in which,

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