
Gateway Drugs And Alcohol Consequences

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Drugs and Alcohol are a very bad for you and can lead to serious consequences. Some of the consequences are addiction, jail, brain damage, cancer, liver damage, and even death. Gateway drugs lead to serious hardcore drugs. The main gateway drugs are cigarettes, tobacco, and alcohol. Addiction is something that is very easy to get and hard to get rid of.
Overdosage is where you overdose on a substance. Many people often call an overdosage and OD. When you overdose on a drug you use way more than you should and it leads to very serious injuries and deaths. While using a drug just once is bad enough it is way worse when you overdose.
Addiction can start from gateway drugs. Gateway drugs are drugs like cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol. Gateway drugs are ones that are easy to get hooked on and you will start wanting to try other drugs and want more. Even gateway drugs can be very dangerous and lead to serious consequences. Some of the consequences from gateway drugs are lung cancer from cigarettes, liver damage from alcohol, and from tobacco there is cancer, holes in cheeks and lips, and tooth decay. Some gateway drugs can lead to very serious addiction and can escalate from cigarettes and alcohol to marijuana and cocaine. Addiction is quite easy to get and very hard to get out of and is very serious and can be very expensive.
LSD …show more content…

LSD causes hallucinations, changing the way you see real life, and alter your moods. When you get high on LSD is usually called a "trip." LSD can cause serious injuries and can cause brain damage. There is a man named Garrett that used LSD and ruined his life. He was only eight degrees away from his masters and he tried LSD and got brain damage and cannot walk for the rest of his

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