
Gay Marriage Court Case Analysis

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Our world changes day by day, but we do not realize it until we look back and everything is completely different. Over the years our government had come to many different conclusion on what is best for the nation on the topic of gay marriage before the 2015 court hearing legalizing it. From 1972 to now, from Baker v. Nelson to Obergefell v. Hodges, there have been dozens of court cases. My speech will be focusing on specifically Baker v. Nelson, Baehr v. Lewin, and Obergefell v. Hodges. Baker v. Nelson was a court case that took place in 1971-1972. In the years leading up to this there had been many quietly handled issues regarding homosexuals rights, however they decided to start becoming more public in 1971. The Supreme court ruled in this specific case that the constitution does not protect a fundamental right for same- sex couples to get married. (Denniston). It began when a man named Richard John Baker and his partner James Michael McConnell, applied to a court clerk to get a marriage license. The court clerk denied them and then they applied to the Supreme Court from there. Some people still say that this is a binding decision …show more content…

Lewin took place in Hawaii. It is thought to be the first major victory for same-sex couples and marriage activists. Nina Baehr sued the state of Hawaii saying that the state was refusing to give her and her partner a marriage license, she argued this on the grounds of saying that this was equal to discrimination. Since the state had an Equal Rights Amendment, the state would need to find a compelling interest in supporting such a ban. One of the biggest impacts from this ruling was not only giving hope to same-sex couples hoping to marry but the ruling also discouraged people who hoped to keep same-sex marriage illegal. Through the Full Faith and Credit Clause this also meant that if these couples were legally married in Hawaii then their marriage had to be recognized in all other states as

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