
Gender And Cultural Norms Within The Countries Of Australia And Japan

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Communication is a multifaceted process that involves a sender, interference and a receiver. It can be significantly impacted by gender and the cultural norms within the countries of Australia and Japan. Individuals use communication to express feelings, emotions, opinions and values. Communication is therefore a vitality to human interaction between parents and children, bosses and employees or husband and wife. The differing qualities and attributes of those included in any interaction can in this way influence communication. This can be explored through gender roles and their role in the verbal and nonverbal communication process, the effect that gender has on behaviour and the aspects of society and culture that are shared between Australia and Japan. Gender roles play a part in the communication of both males and females in Australia. In Japan the gender role is fundamentally greater whilst in Australia gender is more equal therefore the gender roles in communication are affected less in Australia. Although gender does not significantly impact the communication process in Australia, women are expected to talk more politely, be quieter and not grotesque as if they were to act a little in that way they are seen as a ‘bitch’. In relation to intelligence, a male brain represents more information processing agents, and a female brain performs more circulate between these processing agents which implies that men and women tend to communicate and complete tasks

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