
Gender Equality And Gender Bias

Satisfactory Essays

Gender equality and gender bias has been vigorously discussed and argued for decades, and it still remains as the issue that cannot be ignored in our society. The NSW department of Education and Training provides the Boys’ and Girls’ Education Strategy to assist all government schools in NSW to undertake a strategic approach to address gender as an educational issues(NSW DEC). Still, girls are now facing difficulties that arose from not only their abilities but also the influence from their families and the communities. In this essay, problems or difficulties that young girls or female students faced because of other participants in the education or schooling system will be discussed. Strategies and recommendations in regard to those issues will be talked afterwards.

Even we say we are living in a gender equal society, but it is rare to see women at the dominant place in each industry. Hundred years before, women were not allowed to study, and men were taking the power to control the society. Nowadays, women are able to have higher education as men do, but some of them still experience blocks in their career path. And we cannot ignore that they performed better than men with higher average grade and used short time to complete the study(Reis, 2001, p. 28). The preconceptions of women, male stereotyping and exclusion of informal network slows down women 's step towards the top management positions, and it is not normally because of gender discrimination, but just about who

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